假释的这个特定的扩展仅适用于谁及时归档当前假释表格I-955,为CNMI长期居留资格申请和 I-765表,就业许可申请,并且其应用仍然在8月17日未决移民局将会自动将其假释(和雇用许可,如果适用)延长至2020年12月31日,或USCIS对假释I-955表格和I-765表格做出最终决定的日期,以较早者为准。
CNMI的长期居民身份是根据《北马里亚纳群岛长期合法居民救济法》(第116-24号公共法)建立的,该法于2019年6月25日签署成为法律。新法律专门赋予了国土安全部自由裁量权在实施新法律所需的时间内,经工作许可,批准对这些外国人进行假释。美国公民及移民服务局先前已将假释期限延长至8月17日,以确保合格的外国人,包括根据先前的CNMI类别假释计划获准假释的假释者 ,有充分的机会申请CNMI长期居民身份而不会中断其假释身份。
对于那些在8月17日仍及时提交I-955和I-765表格的合格假释者,并且如果有适用的雇佣许可文件(EAD),该假释在8月17日或之前到期,则以下文件为准。 I-9表,就业资格验证的身份和工作授权的证明,目的持续至12月31日(或USCIS就其长期居民身份申请做出最终决定的日期,以较早者为准):
表格I-766,就业授权文件,类别代码为“ C-11”,有效日期为2020年6月29日或之前;和外国人在8月17日或之前提交了I-955和I-765表格的证据。这可能是I-797C表格《行动通知》的副本,反映了假释者已提交I-765表格要求分类( (c)(37)的“类别”)代码,或者如果没有该代码,则应提供该外国人的I-955表格和I-765表格的副本以及邮寄回执。
USCIS Extends Transitional Parole for CNMI Long-Term Resident Status Applicants
USCIS announced today that it will automatically extend parole, and employment authorization if applicable, for parolees who timely applied for Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands (CNMI) long-term resident status.
This specific extension of parole applies only to current parolees who timely filed Form I-955, Application for CNMI Long-Term Resident Status, and Form I-765, Application for Employment Authorization, and whose applications remain pending on Aug. 17. USCIS will automatically extend their parole (and employment authorization, if applicable) without interruption through Dec. 31, 2020, or the date that USCIS makes a final decision on the parolee’s Form I‑955 and Form I-765, whichever is earlier.
The CNMI long-term resident status was created by the Northern Mariana Islands Long-Term Legal Residents Relief Act (Public Law 116-24), signed into law on June 25, 2019. The new law specifically gave the Department of Homeland Security the discretion to authorize parole, with work authorization, for these aliens during the time period needed to implement the new law. USCIS previously extended parole until Aug. 17, in order to ensure that eligible aliens, including parolees who were granted parole under the previous CNMI categorical parole program, had the full opportunity to apply for CNMI long-term resident status without interruption to their parole status.
For eligible parolees whose timely filed Form I-955 and Form I-765 remain pending on Aug. 17, and who have an Employment Authorization Document (EAD), if applicable, expiring on or before Aug. 17, the following documentation will serve as evidence of identity and work authorization for Form I-9, Employment Eligibility Verification, purposes until Dec. 31 (or the date that USCIS makes a final decision on their long-term resident status application, whichever is earlier):
A copy of this web alert;
Form I-766, Employment Authorization Document, bearing category code “C-11” with an expiration date on or before June 29, 2020; and
Evidence that the alien filed Form I-955 and Form I-765 on or before Aug. 17. This may be a copy of Form I-797C, Notice of Action, reflecting that the parolee has filed Form I‑765 requesting the classification (“class”) code of (c)(37), or if unavailable, a copy of the alien’s Form I-955 and Form I-765 with a mail receipt.
Eligible aliens had 180 days to apply for CNMI long-term resident status. USCIS announced the Aug. 17 deadline when it opened the application period on Feb. 19. USCIS will not accept any new applications for CNMI long-term resident status postmarked after Aug. 17.
USCIS recommends that each applicant who is 14 years of age or older obtain a letter from the Superior Court of the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands that describes any criminal history the alien might have (or lack thereof). Although this information is not required to file Form I-955 and applicants should not delay the filing of any Form I-955, USCIS suggests this information be included with a timely filed Form I-955 to potentially reduce the time it takes for USCIS to make a final decision.
If a parolee does not file Form I-955 and Form I-765 on or before Aug. 17, their parole will end on Aug. 17, and they must depart the CNMI. If USCIS denies their Form I-955 and Form I-765, their parole status (and employment authorization, if applicable) will end and they must depart the CNMI.